The Many Benefits of Hiring an Accountant

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The Many Benefits of Hiring an Accountant

When I started my own business, I was pretty ambitious. I thought that I could do everything myself. At first, I could. But as my business grew in size, I began to become overwhelmed. One of the biggest shocks was when I had to do my end of year accounts. I was amazed at the amount of information required by the tax office. I decided to hire an accountant so they could look after this side of my business. It was a great decision. I am really impressed with the service my accountant provides so I decided to start writing this blog!


What Are the Benefits of Consulting an Accountant As You Prepare Your Business for Sale?

6 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Selling a business is a complex endeavour. It's important to have the right professional resources in place during the pre-sale process to ensure you get the best possible outcome. That's where hiring an accountant can help. An experienced business accountant can provide invaluable insight into preparing your company for sale, so what do you need to know about their type of contribution? Fair Market Value Assessment One of the most important aspects of selling a business is accurately assessing its value. Read More …

What Are The Tax Applications When You Sell Your Business?

24 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Many baby boomers in Australia are now reaching retirement age, and some are small business owners. As they get to that milestone, they may think about selling their current business so that they can enjoy their golden years in peace and quiet. If you're in this situation, you may be considering your options but will certainly want to know how to handle your tax affairs during the sale. What do you need to consider as you plan? Read More …

Why You May Need to Calculate Some Profit Ratios Before You Grow Your Business

6 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you run an increasingly competitive business, you'll want to have experts around you who can help you make the right growth decisions ahead. While you may have had a bookkeeper on your staff before who performs sterling work and gets all your paperwork in order, you should now consider engaging a skilled accountant's services. In particular, you'll want someone who can help you analyse your business's performance and make the right management decisions going forward. Read More …

Ways Accounting Services Will Position Your Small Business for Success

21 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a new business owner, the urge to take on every single responsibility that comes with your business can be incredibly tempting. For some people, handling all aspects of running a business makes them feel in control, and, consequently, they will not worry about someone else making grievous errors that would cost their business money. For others, this measure can be driven by cost savings, as they would rather be responsible for the various departments that make up their operations than have to pay other people to take up these roles. Read More …

4 Advantages of Hiring a Professional Tax Accountant for Your Business

5 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Tax accounting is pretty crucial for any business owner. While numerous software programs aid in conducting accounting, the value of working with tax accountants can't be overlooked. Whether you run a small startup or a significantly large business, here are some advantages of enlisting the services of a tax accountant.  Tax Planning The first benefit of hiring a tax accountant is annual tax planning and cost projections. That saves you more time to focus on other crucial business matters. Read More …